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Legislators Angry Miss. State Board Holds up HBCU Housing

A young Black woman looks forlorn as she crouches against a brick wall.
Where do Jackson State students go if state funding for housing fails?  Image credit: Mikhail Nilov 

House members are frustrated that the Institute of Higher Learning refuses to allow Jackson State University to purchase the empty downtown Marriott for student housing, despite legislators and the governor authorizing  money for the purchase last year.  Jackson State University President Marcus L. Thompson says JSU enrollment is growing even as other universities and colleges experience a drop in head count. Thompson told senators in January the university has accrued a wait list of “about 400 students,” over the years and is in “dire need” of housing. The school had a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,769 in fall 2023, far outstripping its housing supply.

“Many of our students, if they do not have housing, they will not be able to attend the university,” Thompson said. More than half of the school’s student population comes from a low-income family, and roughly a quarter of school students are from out of state. Jackson State University ranks No. 25 on the list of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in U.S. News & World Report 2024 Best Colleges, and No. 5 on the National Institutes of Health for its STEM Program. 

Legislators appropriated funding to the school to rent the converted courthouse building, the Walthall Lofts for two years, but the school is eying the former Marriott, a 15-story, 300-bed hotel that’s been sitting empty for four years. Last year, legislators passed Senate Bill 2468, which allotted the university $8 million to build or buy new property. The school wants to bundle that with grants and loans to secure the full purchase, however the IHL board has refused to release the original $8 million to the school for the purchase. 

Rep. Chris Bell, D-Jackson, took issue with the hold-up last week. 

“Their excuse, from having a conversation with the IHL Commission, is that a report said it would cost $80 million to prepare the building to be a dormitory, but JSU’s evaluation report said about $40 million,” Bell said. “The owners of the hotel did some work on the building a couple of years before it closed, so I can tell you the interior of the building, the bar, the check-in and kitchen area were all upgraded and in pristine shape.”  

Jackson State University President Thompson did not immediately return calls, but Bell said the school acknowledged some rooms would need wall-work to accommodate students. The building is structurally sound, however, and looks like a good investment. Rep. Zakiya Summers, D-Jackson, said some rooms, in addition to HVAC and parking lot upgrades, were all that were needed thanks to renovation the owners had performed before the COVID pandemic.  

“There are good reasons for the school to invest in this,” Summers told BGX. “In addition to the dorm space they want to use the hotel convention rooms and additional space to host events and conferences and for classes, if needed. There’s also a restaurant space in there, but IHL is holding the money.” 

The IHL board could not be reached for comment on Friday, but Bell said he regretted the board’s foot dragging considering JSU’s long-term fight with inadequate housing. 

“It’s sad that each time JSU has had an opportunity for growth it is stymied by IHL. Would you rather JSU spend $4 million to $7 million (annually) paying a private hotel to house students?” Bell demanded. “I’m starting to think somebody else wants that building so they can do some private investment in it.” 

The IHL could agree to put money toward building a dorm directly on campus, but legislators were leery of alienating the board with a new appropriations bill demanding it stick to its commitments and release the money. However, if the board does nothing, Summers said JSU supporters might suspect the board is holding the cash to direct it to wealthier, whiter universities across the state. 



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